Coventry Schools Wetlands Boardwalk Project

Coventry Middle School teacher Adam Shoemaker and Coventry School Board member Chris Davis present the Coventry Schools Wetlands Boardwalk Project to members of the Portage Lakes Advisory Council

The Portage Lakes Advisory Council is partnering with the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Coventry Local School District, the Coventry Schools Foundation, Jim and Julie Pulk and the Portage Lakes Ducks to extend a boardwalk and create a learning space for students in a wetland preserve located between Coventry Middle School and Long Lake. The school district and museum received grant funding to create the wetland preserve and construct about 400 feet of boardwalk over recent years. The purpose of the project is to provide an accessible opportunity for outdoor learning in a beautiful, natural setting.

Our current partnership will extend the existing boardwalk another 90 feet to reach an open-water channel that connects to Long Lake. We will also create a wooden platform that will serve as an outdoor classroom for Coventry students and others. Eventually, the school district would like to construct a dock at the end of the boardwalk and another learning space along the existing path.

If you would like to support this ongoing effort, please contact Kim at the Coventry Schools Foundation at [email protected].